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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Postgres replication for MySQL DBA's

Postgres replication for MySQL DBA's

Working a with Postgers and MySQL replication I noticed that many MySQL DBA's have hard time grasping Postgres replication and how it works,  you may ask why would you need to know how to setup and use Postgres replication - but lets face it Postgres is becoming ever more popular and many MySQL shops also have Postgres databases. Overall a lot of startups are using a collection of databases  that serve various purposes. I"ll attempt to explain Postgres replication in plain English and use MySQL terms to help adsorb the seemingly complex subject. 

Postgres  "streaming replication" was introduced since Rel. 9.0 of Postgres and is a very useful addition that many of us were waiting for years, personally I strongly believe that the ack of replication kept Postgres from wide adoption unlike MySQL that had the replication from early releases. Replication is a great tool since it allows to scale and shard your databases horizontally i.e. distributed computing. 

Postgres documentation on replication is complex and not very intuitive in addition the terminology is confusing adding to the difficulty of creating replicated slaves in Postgres. In reality Postgres replication is actually very simple and flexible, once you get over the terminology. 

Types of Postgres replication

The trouble with Postgres replication is that it has just too many of them, Slony, Bucardo, Londiste and of course now added "streaming replication".  The first step is to choose one that fits the particular use case. In this posting I will focus on Postgres native build-in "streaming replication".

Trigger Based replication


Log Based Replication

Streaming Replication - this is the replication we are going to focus on, this replication is build-in Postgers release since 9.0 and is closely resembling MySQL replication that was log based from the get go.  But that is where the similarities stop.

Postgres "streaming replication"

The first confusion comes from the term "streaming replication" , all replications are essentially "streaming" i.e. the master is "streaming" sets of record to the slave, so adding "streaming" to the replication term did  not  help the easy of adoption.  To be fair Postgres named its replication "streaming" to distance itself from the early attempts at replication that is before rel. 9.0. There are references in Postgres documentation to "hot" and "warm" standby, the "hot" standby being the "streaming" one. All and all "streaming replication" means that Postgres slave database can now read directly from the stream of data from the master database, as compared to "warm" standby when the logs had to be transferred to the slave database that was running in the continuos recovery mode applying those logs.

Anyhow "streaming replication" is the one that you want to use, with no further delay will proceed on to how to set it up.

What do you need to setup Postgres replication 

1. Master database
2. Slave database
3. Archiving of the logs - this is the same as enabling binlogs on MySQL
4. Replication user - this is the same as replication user on MySQL
5. Open database ports 5432 between the master and the slave vs. 3306 on MySQL
6. Copy the Master database backup to the slave
7.  Start the replication and enjoy the benefits

Master Database 

In order for the master Postgres database to stream the data to the slave it must be configured just like MySQL - the bulk of the process involves enabling the archiving  i.e. "binlogs" and permission on the master database.

Setup replication user and permissions:

Postgres security unlike MySQL is using combination of database permissions and configuration files to enable the connectivity to the databases. The main file to setup the replication from user perspective is /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf

Add replication user to pg_hba.conf file:

host replication postgres trust

What it is in the line above we are adding the replication user to the file and instruct the security to 
allow the user to connect from - that is the replication slave.

Add replication user to the Postgres database:


In summary - to create replication user you need to perform two steps 1. Add the use to pg_hba.conf 
and add the user to the database using database grants. This is a bit unlike MySQL where all you have 
to do is to grant "replication slave" privileges to the slave. All and all one extra step in Postgres.

Now since the user is added we can proceed to the rest of the configuration, we are working on the 
master database so far, will get to the slave very soon.

The next step we need to enable archiving i.e. enable binlogging in MySQL terms.

Enable Master database archving

There are several parameters in Postgers main configuration file postgresql.conf that control the 
replication and archiving:

listen_addresses = '*'

The above parameter tells Postgers to listen on all available IP addresses.

wal_level = hot_standby

This parameter tells Postgres to archive the logs suitable for the replication, there are several 
options to log archiving in Postgres but "hot_standby" is the one to enable streaming replication. This is the same as enabling the binlogging on MySQL

wal_keep_segments = 32 # is the WAL segments to store

This is the interesting one - basically since the slave when using streaming replication reads from wal segments and manages to fall behind you need enough wal segment to be kept on the master 
for slave to catch up.

max_wal_senders = 2 #  is the max # of slaves that can connect

This is the maxinum database slaves that the master will support - if you need 4 slaves set this to 4 etc...A bit goofy parameter in MySQL realm this is not controlled i.e. if not need any more slaves
just dont configure ones.

archive_mode    = on

One more redundunt parameters on Postgres but what it does in conjunction with
wal_level = hot_standby is enabling the archive mode.

archive_command = 'rsync -a %p

Now archive_command parameter is where the things get interesting and drastically deviate from MySQL concepts and the bulk of the confusion comes from.

In MySQL once you created a master database and subscribe a slave database to it, the rest is
performed automatically, the database will send/receive binlog data and create the relay log files
for you.

In Postgers realm things are a bit different, but no worries as you go further you will appreciate the flexibility the Postgres provides at the expense of complexity of course. In Postgres realm you 
not only enable the archive mode you also need to instruct Postgers database as to how and where to copy the archive logs to. Now the question you might have - Why do I need the archive logs if my slave database is going to read the wal segments?

You need the archive logs while you are copying the database from the master host to the slave
host, remember we selected to keep 32 wal segments, well those will be long gone by the time we copy say a 1TB database to the slave. 

Think of archive logs for Postgers replication as sort of both binlogs and relay logs in MySQL 
realm. Postgres does not generate the relay logs so the goal of the archive command to copy the 
archive logs to the slave database, essentially creating relay logs on the slave database, lets look at the archive command again:

archive_command = 'rsync -a %p

What the archive command above does - it copies the archive logs to the slave database in "wals" 
directory, or simply put we are creating the "relay" logs on the slave database.  

Simple rule:
When setting up streaming replication the archive logs go to the slave database

Why? Because when Postgres slave will start catching up with the master it will need those to 
catch up and once its up to date it will use wal segments. By the same principle if you shut down 
the slave database it will use those archive logs to catch up. Otherwise if you archive on the master you will still need to transfer those logs to the slave.

Add the directory for the archive logs:

mkdir /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/main/wals

I use "wals" directory name - but you can call ir anything you like as long as its reflected in the 
parameters above.

Be sure to create those on master and a slave in case you need to reverse the roles.

And the last thing on the master to enable the replication .shh files

Remember the archive_command above that copies the archive files to the slave? We need to configure postgres user no to use the password when connecting to the slave to copy the files over. Using public/private key pairs makes it whole a lot easier. Be sure to setup public/private key pairs.

Restart the master database for the changes to take effect.

After the primary master restart you should see the archive files in /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/main/wals directory on the slave.

[root@smyhost# ls 000000010000086700000061.00000080.backup 000000010000087700000005 000000010000087700000008 00000001000008770000000B 000000010000086700000064.000013F0.backup 000000010000087700000006 000000010000087700000009 00000001000008770000000C 000000010000086E0000009E.00000020.backup 000000010000087700000007 00000001000008770000000A

Slave Database

Now since we have the master database working its time to configure the slave database. Slave database setup is very simple - all we have to do now is to copy the backup of primary database to the slave database and it will catch up using the archive files and then start reading the wal segment from the master. The archive logs serve as sort of relay logs in MySQL, if you stop the slave database it will fall behind but when you start it again it will use the archive logs to catch up.

Creating backup of primary database and copying to the slave 

This is where Postgres database shines - you do not have to take it offline to copy the data, it has a great new feature pg_start_backup - it will place master database in backup mode so you can copy it to the slave database keeping the data consistent. On the master database perform the following:

psql -c "SELECT pg_start_backup('backup', true)"

Copy the database to the standby slave using rsync or scp:

rsync-av --exclude --exclude pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/

End backup mode on primary database

psql -c "SELECT pg_stop_backup()"

Setup the the slave database parameters:

You will need to edit two files: postgresql.conf and recivery.conf

Edit postgresql.conf and add the following lines:

wal_level = hot_standby
hot_standby = on

Create the recovery.conf and add the following lines:

standby_mode          = 'on'
primary_conninfo      = 'host=  port=5432 user=postgres'

Connect string to the primary master database

trigger_file = '/var/lib/pgsql/9.1/main/pgsql.trigger'
restore_command = 'cp -f /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/main/wals/%f %p

This command is reading the archive logs files 

archive_cleanup_command = 'pg_archivecleanup /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/main/wals/ %r'

This one cleans up old archives

Now restart the the slave database for the changes to take affect and you have yourself a running replication.

Checking the replication:

ps -ef | grep receive  

You should see the following on the slave:

postgres 12050 11809  1 10:33 ?        00:02:30 postgres: wal receiver process   streaming 877/2A9F7300     

That means you database is reading the wal segments from the master. But if you dont see it right away - this isnormal since your database need to catchup with the master reading the archive logs first and then once it catches up you will see the receiver process.

Easy huh :-)

1 comment:

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